Operating System |
Browser |
Installer |
Guide (Demo Video) |
Instructions |
Windows |
| |
Please execute this installer as an Administrator.
Mac |
Please execute the command on terminal: sudo ./macrootcertinstaller.sh
Ubuntu |
Please execute these command on terminal:
1) chmod +x chmod +x ubunturootcertinstallerenglish or ubunturootcertinstallerhindi
2) ./ubunturootcertinstallerenglish or ubuntucertinstallerhindi
CentOS |
Please execute the command on terminal: 1) chmod +x chmod +x centosrootcertinstallerenglish (or) centosrootcertinstallerhindi2) sudo ./centosrootcertinstallerenglish or centosrootcertinstallerhindi
iOS |
Not Required